Molitva (2007) A UNESCO World Heritage Site in Kyiv EUROVISION COUNTRY: Turkey KYIV DESTINATION: St Sophia's cathedral There are few places where you can glimpse the golden age of 11th century principality of Kyivan Rus, but St Sophia's is one of those places. Built to rival the Hagia Sophia church in Istanbul, St Sophia's cathedral was designed to make Kyiv the 'new Constantinople' following the baptism of Prince Vladymyr the Great in 988. The complex comprises of the cathedral, a bell tower with great views, the bishops palace and refectory. All are worth seeing, if you have time. The latter two also have permanent and temporary art exhibitions on a wide range of non-religious topics. Turkish embassy: Address: Panasa Myrnoho Lane, 22, 01011 Kyiv Tel: +380 44 281 0750 Website: