Wild Dances (2004)

If you fancy playing with Cossacks for a day then you can to this in the heart of Kyiv in the historical reconstruction site called Mamayeva Sloboda http://mamajeva-sloboda.ua.
This park is on 2, Mikhail Dontsa St. in Kyiv. It's probably best to get a taxi there. But the No. 1 tram from Pobeda Square will take you close by if you are feeling adventurous. You will need to get off at Heroiv Sevastapol station, turn left out of the tram station, turn right and first left, then just follow the road until you reach a park. Mamayeva Sloboda has its own entrance, so just keep following the park permitter until you reach this entrance.

All of the buildings hark back to the 16th century, but they are not historical. Nonetheless you can slip back in time in an instant here.
One side of the park is now compromised by a modern development, but it is soon lost behind trees.
If you like the idea of mingling with wenches and Cossack taverns, then the park also has an excellent restaurant with ancient brews, historical ales and old recipes, which you can eat as chickens brush your legs under the table.

TIP: Every Saturday there is a massive and excellent food market nearby on Heroiv Sevastapol St. But be aware the market moves up and down the street. If in doubt follow people with empty bags, they will be probably heading there

Find your Inner Cossack
KYIV DESTINATION: Mamayeva Sloboda

If you fancy playing with Cossacks for a day then you can to this in the heart of Kyiv in the historical reconstruction site called Mamayeva Sloboda http://mamajeva-sloboda.ua.
This park is on 2, Mikhail Dontsa St. in Kyiv. It's probably best to get a taxi there. But the No. 1 tram from Pobeda Square will take you close by if you are feeling adventurous. You will need to get off at Heroiv Sevastapol station, turn left out of the tram station, turn right and first left, then just follow the road until you reach a park. Mamayeva Sloboda has its own entrance, so just keep following the park permitter until you reach this entrance.

All of the buildings hark back to the 16th century, but they are not historical. Nonetheless you can slip back in time in an instant here.
One side of the park is now compromised by a modern development, but it is soon lost behind trees.
If you like the idea of mingling with wenches and Cossack taverns, then the park also has an excellent restaurant with ancient brews, historical ales and old recipes, which you can eat as chickens brush your legs under the table.

TIP: Every Saturday there is a massive and excellent food market nearby on Heroiv Sevastapol St. But be aware the market moves up and down the street. If in doubt follow people with empty bags, they will be probably heading there

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