Crno i Belo (2012)
KYIV DESTINATION: St Cyril's church

As you walk through the streets of Kyiv you will be surrounded by Macedonia's major contribution to Ukraine - an alphabet.
In Kyiv the "Balkan saints" were honoured in 1140 by an apse of frescoes of St Cyril's church by the then ruler of the Kyiv's city state. The frescoes can still be seen today and are one of the few places where you can experience the golden days of Kyivan Rus.
This church was commissioned by Prince Vsevolod and on completion it became the resting place for his branch of the royal family. This include Prince Svyatoslav the hero of the most famous Ukrainian saga 'The Lay of Ihor's Host'
While the outside of the church has changed the interior has not. However in the 19th century leading Arts and Crafts artist Mikhael Vrubel spent a year painting both frescoes and the icons in the church. The work is some of his best.
Macedonian surrounds you in Kyiv

As you walk through the streets of Kyiv you will be surrounded by Macedonia's major contribution to Ukraine - an alphabet.
St. Cyril and his brother St. Methody were two slavs born in
the city of Solun, Macedonia and invented the Cyrillic alphabet in 863. Their work helped the Macedonian language become the fourth
official language of the Christian church. As the region took up Christianity the alphabet followed with the introduction of the bible and other religious texts.
The church was restored by the Soviets and made a historical reserve. The church has since been reconsecrated, but is open daily from 10.00-17.30.
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