Wait Until The Weekend Comes (1985)

The guys with the trowels have left and the guys with the ironing boards are arriving!
The city has two weeks and is now in full swing.

Especially around the International Exhibition Centre.

The metro station is undergoing a full makeover. In fact it is not yet ready.

The scale of repairs here is huge around the venue.

All roads have been resurfaced, pavements built, parks planted, bus stope erected, bridges painted, barriers put up.

So fundamental are the changes that new pedestrian crossings and traffic lights have been installed. just be aware that not all drivers know this, and as many of them text and drive, it comes as a surprise that there are people in the middle of the street. Yesterday there were a few tyre squeals.

But Kyiv is excited to welcome the world. Your presence recognises their existence, and helps them define who they are and what they want to be. Celebrate Diversity!
Kiev Prepares

The guys with the trowels have left and the guys with the ironing boards are arriving!
The city has two weeks and is now in full swing.

Especially around the International Exhibition Centre.
The metro station is undergoing a full makeover. In fact it is not yet ready.
The scale of repairs here is huge around the venue.

All roads have been resurfaced, pavements built, parks planted, bus stope erected, bridges painted, barriers put up.

So fundamental are the changes that new pedestrian crossings and traffic lights have been installed. just be aware that not all drivers know this, and as many of them text and drive, it comes as a surprise that there are people in the middle of the street. Yesterday there were a few tyre squeals.

But Kyiv is excited to welcome the world. Your presence recognises their existence, and helps them define who they are and what they want to be. Celebrate Diversity!
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