Stop (1987)

It is worth remembering a few helpful tips about how to walk around Kyiv.
Unlike the British, Ukrainians take a more Germanic stance on pedestrian lights. If the little man is red, then you WAIT until he turns green before you cross the road.
Pedestrian crossings are also respected by drivers and stop to let you cross.
However, watch out for careless drivers. They break down into three types:
1. People driving and texting.
2. Aggressive young male drivers.
3. Drivers who believe that their bad driving and the lives of others are in the hands of God, rather than their own control.
Therefore, before you step out into the street check if the person driving the first car heading towards you is looking up and ahead, or at their smart phone screen, and also check if the car is a black power car with blackened windows. That protects you from drivers 1 & 2. As for the third type of driver - do what they do - pray!
Pavements are also considered to be places to park. Because kerbs are higher the access points are few and far between, so people tend to drive along the pavements to their usual spot. So if you are walking please be aware that a car may be behind you.
In rain stay far away from the edge of the pavement. Unlike "Chelsea tractor" drivers in West London, expensive 4x4s drive through puddles and some of them are large and deep. Drivers have no compunction in driving through the water and spraying pedestrians.
Do you have any other tips for pedestrians?
How to walk

It is worth remembering a few helpful tips about how to walk around Kyiv.
Unlike the British, Ukrainians take a more Germanic stance on pedestrian lights. If the little man is red, then you WAIT until he turns green before you cross the road.
Pedestrian crossings are also respected by drivers and stop to let you cross.
However, watch out for careless drivers. They break down into three types:
1. People driving and texting.
2. Aggressive young male drivers.
3. Drivers who believe that their bad driving and the lives of others are in the hands of God, rather than their own control.
Therefore, before you step out into the street check if the person driving the first car heading towards you is looking up and ahead, or at their smart phone screen, and also check if the car is a black power car with blackened windows. That protects you from drivers 1 & 2. As for the third type of driver - do what they do - pray!

In rain stay far away from the edge of the pavement. Unlike "Chelsea tractor" drivers in West London, expensive 4x4s drive through puddles and some of them are large and deep. Drivers have no compunction in driving through the water and spraying pedestrians.
Do you have any other tips for pedestrians?
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