Anything You Need (2007)
If you are in self catering you need a few basics, even if you eat out. Supermarkets are a simple way to quickly buy food without any of the language hassle. The city is blessed with may corner food stores. These tend to be more visible than the supermarkets, which are often tucked away in the basements of large shopping centres.
Сiльпо - or Silpo, and its high-end stores (Le Silpo), stock lots of ready made foods, salad bars and even have in-store restaurants. You can find one in the basement of the Arena City shopping centre on Baseynaya St 4. There's no signage - just take the escalator down to the lower ground floor.
The nearby Gulliver shopping mall also has a Silpo (photographed here) in the basement, again with no signs, but just head down.
Again near the Eurovision venue there is the Multiplex Komod shopping mall, with a hidden Silpo in the basement on the right.
Right next to the Eurovision venue there's a Novus superstore, which is one daily until 23.00. It's more geared to suburban tastes, but contains delicatessen and basic foods and drinks.
At Olimpiiska metro station there's also a MegaMarket store on the parallel Gorky St.
A chain of smaller supermarkets is Billa which is part of the German Rewe supermarket conglomerate. There is a Billa on Maidan Saquare in the underground shopping centre. Billa focuses on basics.
Other supermarkets are available (Fozzy, Aushan) - but they are usually in out of town locations.

TIP: Checkout ladies may not speak English, but it follows a usual patter:
Do you want a plastic bag?Do you have a store card?
Would you like a store card?
Are you collecting vouchers for schools?
If you want to blend in just say "nyet" to any of the sentences.
The supermarkets take cash and international credit/debit cards.
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